US Elections : A New Theory on the Evolution of the Current Political Landscape

Came across this interesting article today that tries to explain the Trump phenomenon :

Why is it even possible that a constantly lying candidate, even when he is not required to lie politically, can manage to rise to become the Republican nominee for the presidency?

The author postulates that most people view all politicians as liars anyway and they convince themselves you cannot believe in anything they say. Trump’s team go one step further and calls into question the existence of any reality.

“By telling so many confounding and mutually exclusive falsehoods, the Trump campaign has creative a pervasive sense of unreality in which truth is little more than an arbitrary personal decision.”

“They’ve been successfully persuaded that everything is a lie, so the only political choice you have is to select the fiction that most fits your self-conception.”

“When politics becomes fundamentally unreal, the nature of political decision-making changes. Everything is fiction, so voters can only choose the fiction that best suits their taste and aligns with their self-image. Thus politics becomes devoured entirely by personal aesthetics.”

In the final summary, he questions democracy itself :

“Surkov’s philosophy is that there is no real freedom in the world, and that all democracies are managed democracies, so the key to success is to influence people, to give them the illusion that they are free, whereas in fact they are managed.”

An amazing read, one that requires more analysis in the weeks ahead. It seems that in recent times, this trend is spreading across the world. Its impact will turn everything upside down…

Either way, if Clinton or Trump wins, one thing is for certain : the Republican party is totally screwed. We may see the party disintegrating into a few separate groups soon…

And some funnies to end this blog :

lies-1 truth-1








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