It was an exciting week for the comedy world. They had so much material to work on. Youtube was filled with the analysis of the historic Trump-Kim meet up in Singapore, our little red dot that made us citizens so proud. But more of that later.
The other topic that took up most of my time this week was my Business Analytics assignment and project work. Almost near the tail end of this 12 months Diploma course with only 2 more months to go and a few more hurdles to complete.
During the course of the last 9 months, it was a steep learning curve for me as I was introduced to new tools which are now readily available for any layman to do detailed Big Data analytics. Not only are they relatively easy to pick up, but the speed at which they can crunch data was simply amazing. Coupled with the study of Quantitative Statistics, one can make a much better-educated business decision nowadays.
Term one was on the use of Qilkview, a popular off the shelf software which we could analyze hundreds of thousands of input variables within seconds, then churn our nice Dashboards to provide a graphical presentation of the end result, to support any business proposition.
For the current term, we are learning to use an even more popular tool called SAS Enterprise Miner. It is capable of taking in unlimited data points to conduct Cluster Analysis and Predictive Modeling. Using a dataset taken from the current or past environment, the software is able to use multiple tools to create models (via decision trees, regression analysis and neural networks) to help predict future results. As there are multiple possible permutations, SAS helps to narrow down the results to propose the best model to utilize.
A recent article talks about the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in business today. It concludes that less than a third of companies are using this as a competitive tool. Tech companies like Google and Facebook have already been deploying Data Analytics for years and trained their AI bots to look for trends in each individual user profile.
Though Big Data is getting bigger every day, the software used to analyze them are also getting more powerful all the time. The AI developed have also adapted to the human’s brain neural network to think like us, but millions of times faster. The possibilities are limitless and can be applied to all the things that we do. Like the synopsis in Dan Brown’s Origins book, AI will take over humans eventually. How this will evolve is anyone’s guess. It may be sooner than we think.
Next up, Trumpism. It is amazing what one man can do in a week that is causing havoc on everything he touches. I have previously been baffled by some of the things he does. But I finally realized that once we understand how Trump thinks, we can then understand and predict his reactions quite accurately.
Firstly, we have to look back on the last 30 years to see how he has survived in the real estate world. It is this modus operandi he has developed which had kept him alive. So he is applying the same model to being POTUS, chaos be damned.
Always start the negotiation from the toughest position because some counterparties may blink first. Then try to butter up your opponent, call him names or threaten to call the wolves on them. Never look too far ahead and try to think on your feet instead.
Assume that you are a superior human being all the time and that you have the superpower of analyzing people and able to read minds. Drink enough of your own Kool-Aid while repeating the script to yourself multiple times and you will develop an aura of invincibility as you narrowly survive every disaster. You thrive on the adrenaline rush and living on the edge all the time. Loyalty to Trump is an absolute requirement while friendship is cheap because it is just a means to an end. Throwing everyone and anyone under the bus (except for family) is fair game in business to him. All’s fair in love and war.
Trump realizes that the noose is tightening around him now (Mueller getting his canaries to sing). Like a cornered animal, the instinct will be to strike before being bitten, offensive before defence. He has to entrench himself so deep now or do a scorch earth policy before the fat lady sings.
Exit strategy Plan B is already set in motion as he tests the ground by using the pardoning wild card on multiple candidates (Michael Milken and Martha Stewart next ?? %$&*@#$% ). By testing the limits to his Presidential powers, he is building up to his own get out-of-jail-free card and finally pardoning himself when the time comes for him to use this wild card. Nothing is undoable nowadays in his crazy upside-down world of fake news / alternative facts universe which he has dragged the rest of the world into.
Knowing how he thinks, his unpredictable moves become more easy to forecast. Just look for the most random action that will generate the highest viewership eyeballs to curry his strong base of loyal fans. Look deeper and when you can see what his end game is, then every move becomes logical, however warped it can be.
Opponents are getting the hang of how to deal with him. With self-imagined superpower comes a razor-thin ego. Poke the soft spot enough times and you will provoke a reaction on Twitter. That is an indication of your success and gives you your 15 minutes of fame.
Seems like we are reaching the endgame soon. I have tried calling it too early before. Maybe it is turning real this time. Don’t intend to hold my breath though, as anything can still happen.
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