The New World Order

After Trump’s Asia tour was completed on Monday, it is apparent that the new world order has shifted east. With egocentric maniacs and NIMBY characters running the western countries, we see an emergence of new superpowers to take over the USA’s number one global position.

China is forging ahead to lead the world by taking ownership of its global responsibility as it re-organizes its economy at the same time. This is helped by Trump’s message of wanting to withdraw from the world stage. He was so easily manipulated by the Asian leaders during this trip. Just give him the red carpet treatment, make him feel important and he will be like putty in their hands. Mr “Fake News” even toned down his pre-election rhetoric against China as they fed him generous helpings of ego massaging maneuvers. The sucker punch was delivered at the end of the Asian summit in Vietnam where both US and China supreme leaders presented divergent views of where they aim to go to the rest of the world leaders.

My hats off to China. It is one of the most far-sighted governments in the world. They are planning for 2050 now, a generation away. The Chinese always have patience and they believe in 100 years cycles, where China’s economy will probably peak in 2040, after hitting their low in 1940, just before WWII. That is why they are taking baby steps to achieve their goals, by slowing opening up their internal economy and absorbing the best in class practices in the process.

On the other hand, the decline of the US is evident. Trump tries very hard to do MAGA and now refuses to police the world. Self-interest (selfishness??) is the number one priority and screw the rest of the world. He has handed the global leader crown to China, whether China is ready or not. Japan is also being marginalized, as they struggle with their own unique set of problems – highest debt to GDP ratio in the world, aging population etc.

For Trump, things are getting into a perfect storm very soon. The Mueller investigations on Russian interference is now getting into second gear. The findings are getting juicier every day. Denials are now proven absolutely fake news. Not only were they in bed with the Russians, it seems like the pee-pee tape episode could be real….

The other escalating bombshell is also coming – sexual harassment accusations, the uprising of the oppressed. Each and every business sector in the world is being bombarded with new revelations of previous inappropriate behaviors, the #MeToo movement. It seems like taking out your manhood in front of a total stranger in the 1970s is more common than I thought (???). Trump just tweeted a negative comment on Al Fraken while being silent on Roy Moore. Why? Because Fraken is a Democrat? The fact that Trump is so guilty of such similar practices is so ironic. This could be the final straw that will break the camel’s back for Trump.

Yes, the new world order has changed. US is on the decline and the dragon from the East is rising… The momentum is moving from the West to the East.

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