The Crazy Twists and Turns of American Politics

What a mad few weeks of American political news cumulating to an explosive 180-degree turn of sentiment in the last few days.

We witnessed the shooter who almost managed to assassinate Trump, then the victorious “fight, fight, fight” photo with blood streaming down his ear to the 4-day RNC convention rally that convinced many he would win the presidential elections. This was followed by a loud call for Biden to step down after his missteps and poor debate performance. Meanwhile, Trump decided to choose JD Vance as his vice president nominee, seen as an obedient and inexperienced candidate who would do the bidding of Trump.

Biden eventually announced that he would not stand for election at 1 pm on Sunday and endorsed Kamala. The Democrat media machine spun into full gear and she received the fastest ramp-up of support ever for any candidate within days. More than $100+ million was raised and 60% of the donors were doing it for the first time. This led the GOP to a mad scramble to do damage control as all their advantages seemed to have evaporated overnight.

Some say it was Dark Brandon’s multi-layered strategic chess game that did a rug pull on the other side in the final hours as they assumed they would win after the assassination attempt. It was like the setting up of a trap for the overconfident opponent to fall into. This episode could be a political case study for years when the dust settles down.

Trump now has a lame-duck vice president whose inexperience is showing when he tried to attack Kamala. The aggressive campaign mounted by Kamala has now volleyed and returned any shot that Trump had thrown at her. He is even trying to back away from the next presidential debate in Sep.

The political miscalculation of the attacking points used for Biden is now coming back to haunt Trump. With Kamala replacing Biden, he now becomes the oldest presidential candidate who continues to fumble with his speech and his constant lying is more apparent now. The pointed fingers have now turned back at the accuser.

The things that Trump used to attack Biden previously are now fair game for the Democrats to use against him in return. An assured political victory just a week ago is now not such a sure thing anymore. Was this all planned? They say that in politics, anything is fair game. But the best chess master is the one who plans many steps in advance.

We will now see an intensifying battle between the 2 parties to gain points in the narrowing poll differences between Kamala and Trump. It will be a battle royale fit for TV as each lashes out and tries to score by focusing on the weakness of the other.

An interesting 4 months ahead where all forms of dirty tricks may be used and more name calling too. Trump may stoop to new lows to rally his base. Both will use social media to control the narrative to sway undecided voters to their side. We can certainly see a resurgence of Gen Z first-time voters coming in big waves to help decide the outcome.

It will be an interesting fight to the finish as democracy is on the ballot ticket and the rest of the world will keenly observe to see where America is heading for the next 4 years. Let the battle begin!






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