This has been a pet interest for me since 2012 – the concept of setting up a Retirement Village (RV), as my cohort go into the second half of our lives.
As a country becomes more affluent, the middle class segment continues to increase. The aging population would also create a demand for RV like services where retirees can engage in active aging lifestyles. Currently, well-developed RVs can only be found in the US and Holland, with some in Japan and Australia.
In Asia, RVs are mostly just a concept at the moment and it has not taken root here in a big way yet. If you look around your community and talk to the seniors, you will realized that there is a huge demand for this non-existent RV service. Nursing homes traditionally have the stigma of being just accommodations for those preparing to die. There is currently no community environments in existence for middle-income retirees who yearn for an active independent lifestyle, living together with like-minded people who wants a higher quality of life.
As I look into this RV concept and speak to others with similar views, I am starting to have a strong feeling that this could potentially become a huge business opportunity. If it takes off in one country, the RV concept should be able to be rolled out to other Asian countries, as the overall population ages and we see a bulging middle class emerging.
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