Over the last few weeks, I have been talking about reinventing myself. One of the ways to achieve that was to use online training to learn about new things. The deeper I get into it, the more I am convinced that this is the next big wave of learning for everyone, especially for someone looking to change careers. Like on demand TV, we can simply zero in on a topic we have an interest in, to trigger an appropraite online course. An old dog like me can now learn new tricks with ease.
The major players in this field are Udemy and Coursera. There are so many free introductory courses available. Since I started, I have not had to pay a dime yet. I am amazed at how much I can pick up from the structured and organized courses they have online, at my own pace and at my own time. I just make a point to commit a few hours each day to diligently sit in front of my computer to run through the courses I selected, to absorb what they have to teach me. In time, if I am really interested in a certain topic, I can then do a deep dive into it and pay for the more comprehensive ones that will also provide certifications. Most of the paid ones are between $20 to $80 and we do have a SkillFuture fund to tap on to further subsidize the costs.
To date, I have done 4 : Entrepreneurship, Hashtag Marketing, Python for Beginners, Building a Website using WordPress. Internet Marketing is such a huge phenomenon (see my early post) – I see a possible potential for myself, combining my previous marketing experience and being creative about it. The world is my oyster!
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