Well, we had Trump finally taking over last night. Will come back to that.
It’s been a strange Déjà vu kind of week for me. Into my 9th week of the new job and a bombshell was dropped on me on Thursday. My boss, the one that made it happened and hired me, announced that due to expense cuts, his team and another one will be merged. Hence his role is made redundant and he has been let go. This was a veteran of the bank, having spent 29 years here since graduation. He seems to have taken the sudden news pretty well, considering that he was told about it only 24 hours ago.
I empathize with him as it happened to me too, as I was given the pink slip and let go because of expense cuts on 01 Dec 2011 after 19 years with the bank and given an hour to clear the desk. C’est La Vie, that’s life… Need to move forward and engage with the new boss asap, I guess.
Anyway, back to my favourite topic of the moment, the impending start of the Trump presidency. Someone seems to have figured out the reason for his vigorous nightly tweets. It is to divert attention away from other more serious matters, to create a distraction. As the master of Twitter and deflection, and being someone who does not even trust emails, the social media has provided him with a perfect channel to satisfy his penned up needs to get instant gratification from adoring fans. A recent study has concluded that in the past 12 years, the candidate with the stronger social media always wins the presidential elections (ie. Obama’s 2 terms and now Trump). Before that, we had no Facebook as social media is only a recent phenomenon.
It will be interesting how historians will record and explain social media many years from now. It is still evolving, a new virtual eco-system that is constantly changing. It makes the world a smaller place for all individuals.
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