Chaos is Good

That is the mantra of Trumpism, built from many years of survival instinct in the business world, where you are only as good as your last success. You have your 15 minutes of fame and you make the best use of it. Nobody remembers a loser, so aim to go for a win (me) -lose (them) situation. Chaos is good, keep everyone on their toes with your unpredictability. The end game is of utmost importance and how you get to the finishing line is irrelevant.

This was played out for the world to see over the last 7 days during his scorch earth journey to EU, UK, Helsinki and then back home for damage control, more flip-flops and finally dropping another bomb again (inviting BFF to America) before you have the time to recover. Brilliant! Started as a deranged lion and ended as a purring pussy before reverting back to his combative obnoxious self.

If I were an American now, I would either be (1) totally embarrassed to be identified as a citizen or (2) so proud that we are giving the finger to all enemies and foes (except one country) and MAGA forever! It is difficult for me to judge the polarization of the US population from overseas though. GOP ratings for him are supposed to be an all-time high – is it because they are shrinking in size as only the hardcore fans are left? All US media (except one, Fox) and comedy shows are fighting back.

Just when you thought that things cannot get more ridiculous, he surprised you with more. I am at times totally flabbergasted at how low things can become and the positions the politicals can twist themselves into for self-interest and the upcoming elections. US news media from both sides only aim for high viewership as an end game. Impartial reporting is hard to get for the US citizen unless he gets access to BBC, who at times can also be biased.

Information overload is very real in our times. Social media enforces that by playing up to your interests. The Cambridge Analytica saga has shown us what the evil empire is capable of. Youtube/Facebook videos are channelled to you based on your clicks and likes. Yet you cannot completely shut yourself out from this world as we want to stay plugged into this world to stay relevant.

So is chaos good? Humans tend to prefer stability and hate unpredictability. So when a hurricane sweeps across us and the paradigm shifts, we feel uncomfortable and it takes time to adjust to the new norm. Cycles are getting shorter and shorter, thanks to technology and connectivity. Our attention spans are also getting narrower. What interest you yesterday has already been forgotten today as we move on to the next big thing.

Is this spinning wheel going to stop eventually or continue to move faster? Will social media evolve into a different animal in the future? Will AI take over us? Is Pokemon Go going to launch Gen 4? Such vexing questions to ponder over…..    #FacePalm

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