As we celebrate our 51st year of nationhood today, I am proud as a citizen to reflect on how far we have come while recognising the uncertainties of the future before us. I am thankful for the contributions of one man who has steered the country to where we are today.
Though he has left us last year, his legacy remains with us every day around us. My generation has benefited tremendously from his far-sighted vision that has made our tiny red dot a bright shining beacon of hope as we strive to move ahead.
I am confident that his son, the current Prime Minister, has the foresight to bring us to the next stage of nation building with forward thinking and planning. He is constantly highlighting our vulnerabilities and addressing them head on with robust action plans.
We must continue to be nimble, to turn weaknesses into strengths, to identify key growth areas. Our multi-racial harmony cannot be taken for granted. It was slowly built up over the years through blood and tears, and it only takes a small spark to destroy all that we have fought for. We should treasure what we have now and ensure that the next generation successfully picks up the mantle.
Majulah Singapura!
We, the citizens of Singapore,
pledge ourselves as one united people,
regardless of race, language or religion,
to build a democratic society
based on justice and equality
so as to achieve happiness, prosperity
and progress for our nation.
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