Month: March 2019

  • Another Week Had Passed

    Moving into the end of Mar already and a quarter of the year is over soon. Sometimes it is good to just reflect on the last 7 days about what I have been doing and see if I could make it better, more productive from a personal growth angle. By recording it down in my…

  • Fintech, Deep Learning and AI – Linking them Together. Where are We Heading Towards?

    I completed my diploma in Business Analytics in Aug last year and will have my graduation event in May. This had started me since late 2017 on a learning journey of understanding what is out there in the world which I am not aware of. The initial 6 months was tough for me, being…

  • What If We Live to 100?

    Human mortality is a touchy subject especially when you hit the half-century mark. Thanks to a friend, I developed a morbid fascination of reading the daily newspapers backwards from the sports page and stopping at the obituary columns to scan through all the persons listed there. When a see a familiar face, I will feel…

  • An Eventful Week

    I have to say that I did quite a lot of things this week. Getting sick at the later part of the week was a bummer though. Went to Yangon on Sunday afternoon, ahead of my regular monthly ALCO meetings on Monday morning. Had a great Korean BBQ dinner with a nice bottle of Italian…

  • My Next Stage of Learning Focus – AI

    Just completed my 6 weeks Intro to FinTech MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) from HKU last week. Though it cost me about $100 to sign up for the self-learning program, I believe that it was worth it. I learnt a few new things which helped to fill in the info gaps I had for FinTech.…