This is a summary of that journey so far, a half time review.
I started to take on elearning courses in Udemy and Coursera about 2 years ago. It was one of the items on my to-do list after leaving my previous job as I tried to pursue my retirement home business project. My target was to do 10 courses within 6 months and I started on the subjects that interest me. They were very diversed topics and they included tech stuff (crypto/Bitcoin, SOE, hash tag and affiliate marketing), hobbies (travel writing) and food for the soul (mindfulness). It made me realize that there were so many things I don’t know which I can pick up easily online if only I make the effort. Yoda’s quote “Do or not do, there is no try” comes to mind.
My learning journey gathered pace last Jun when I left my banking job and went into gardening leave. The stars from the Learning God seemed to have aligned themselves for me then. The Skillsfuture initiative by the government targeting PMETs was developing and I discovered a world full of opportunities there. Besides the one time $500 to be used for courses, age worked in my favour as I qualify for a whooping 50 to 90% discount!
I managed to convinced a group of good friends to do a 2 months, once a week evening class on one of our fav topic – Wine. It was a blast as we learned the Science and Business of Wine with like minded people. This intermediate level course helped to plug the gaps of my wine knowledge after having drunk vino for more than 30 years. (Cost : Walk in fee was $830, after subsidies $300+, zero cost after claiming my Skillsfuture credit)
Subsequently, I signed up for a one day course to get an introduction on Data Analytics as I figured that Big Data is the next big thing (Cost : $200+). It was followed up with an ambitious 1 year Specialist Diploma on Business Analytics which I enrolled to challenge myself. While I had a lot of work experience, I had not caught up with technological advances. CRM (Client Relationship Management) systems are now all about big data analytics, to spot trends for higher probability closure rates. I am betting that with this new knowledge plus my long work experience, I can pivot into a new area of niche specialization which not many people are qualified for. Lots of tests, assignments and projects later, I am now less than 3 months to completing it. Qlikview, Statistics, Data Mining and Social Media Analytics were the topics in this course. (Cost : Walk in cost per 6 months term $2.6k, after subsidies $257 !)
In the meantime, I also attended a course on Starting a Small Business over 8 sessions. It was mainly about the development of an F&B business. I used the lessons to brainstorm on an active lifestyle business concept. The trainer provide a step by step guide which will be useful if I intend to take up this challenge in the future. (Cost : $97 for the whole course after subsidies)
2 weeks ago, I started a 6 weeks course on Aquaponics. It is the combination of the symbiotic relationship between rearing fishes and growing plants in an optimal process. I had been maintaining a fish pond for 10 years and perhaps I can now marry this into a herbs and vegetable growing venture that is as organic as can be (no soil or pesticides). It seems that the set up cost is not as expensive as I thought. Let’s see how this will turn out. (Cost : $49 for the whole course)—growing-your-greens-naturally
Alibaba had set up its Taobao University program in S’pore recently and we attended the 1 day workshop in Sentosa sponsored by NTUC. (Cost : $52) They have set up a series of courses and one piped my interest. It was a study trip to the Alibaba HQ in Hangzhou. Managed to convince my wife to join me for the trip in July as we always wanted to explore China and she was interested to know more about the company. I could not believe that we qualified for a 90% subsidy. Walk in cost was $7.7k and after the 90% subsidy, it is $1.3k and even lower if you claim your Skillsfuture funds. We are looking forward to the trip in July and checking out the beautiful sights of the city.
Learning is a never ending journey for me. I am energized by the new knowledge and even starting to enjoy taking tests (weird!!). It keeps me feeling young at heart and looking forward to each new adventure.
Staying happy and healthy is my motto. Education and learning keeps me happy. Regular participation in a half marathon every 3 months keep me healthy. I will be going for my Osim Sundown half marathon starting at midnight tonight 🙂
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